
[while at LARP-AID 2011 a small girl came to me and rold me a terrible tale of evil... and asked me to write a song so that all would know the evil things that a man did .. That man ... was JANNER !!! read more on Americymru ]

He's Brave and he's Bold - I'm really a Fan - er
He kills little children whenever he can - er
He took the Arena - fought under his banner
He is the Great Winner... This Man they call JANNER

So who did he kill in this great manner?
T'was just little kidlets he's as brave as a Flan - er
If you're smaller than him - or a girl - or my Nan - er
He'll take you all on - will this hero called JANNER

If you're old or a cripple - or go upstairs on a Stannah
He'll find a place for you on his Battle Year Planner,
He'll bash you and crush you - stick you into a can - er
He came out of the Blue - did this Bully called JANNER

[ SIng a song for a Copper - or move on for a Silver ]

Written and arranged by Vollsanger .
(c) iws 2011







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